Nature's Garlic Farm
on the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Naturally Grown Gourmet Garlic

Nature's Garlic Farm was established to produce a high-quality gourmet garlic without the use of herbicides or pesticides. We manage our fields with a natural slow-release fertilization program which compliments the nutrient enrichment of our soils, using composted organics to provide our Hardneck garlic with optimum natural nutrients to produce large, delicious garlic cloves. We also have implemented a cover crop program where we plant rye grasses between our rows to help keep our soils in place and healthy. We encourage our garlic to grow healthy and vibrant by implementing an intensive hand weeding program.
Growing in our rich soil are two superb varieties of Hardneck garlic: German White Porcelain, and Music. Offering both seed and culinary selections, we supply our garlic to restaurants, CSA's, farmers & growers, grocers, produce stands, farmers markets, wholesalers, and individuals who appreciate high quality Gourmet Garlic.
At Nature's Garlic Farm, we are focused on providing our customers with a high quality, healthy, and palate pleasing product. For your convenience, we have numerous packaging choices available for culinary garlic.
In the Spring we offer our delicious Garlic Scapes for sale by the bushel box or by the bunch in a "Grab & Go" fresh produce bag. Delicious Garlic Scapes recipes can be found on our website. This early season favorite is followed by an epicurean delight, fresh garlic, an incredibly moist and flavorful bulb, which in its beginning stage can be sliced like an onion.